
Veeda – Natural Feminine Care Products

Feminine care is something we don’t talk enough about. I can understand why. There is not need to go into the detail, but it is important for us women to know our options and consequences that might appear when not the best choice is made.

It is very easy pick up the product that not necessary is the best for our health, as all the big stores are filled with them. To be honest, I never even thought of reading the ingredient list on any of the feminine care products, as I assumed that they all are pretty much the same and safe.

Which I found out is not true. Manufactures are not even required to list the ingredients and a lot of them chose not to. I’m sure you have heard about Toxic Shock Syndrome, it’s pretty scary. In fact that use of the tampons can cause it in the 21st century, doesn’t make any sense to me.


Lately switching to natural skincare and paying more attention on what I’m using on the everyday basis, it would only make sense, that I start to think more about the feminine care products too.

Today I will introduce you with Veeda – the brand that cares about women’s health and gives a damn about the environment. I first heard about them from the beautiful Canadian blogger Chantal (OpalFrame) – she created a beautiful post that got me thinking about the subject. Thank you, girl.

“Veeda’s goal is for every woman to be informed about, and have access to, affordable and safe feminine care. Our hypoallergenic, toxin-free, 100% natural cotton tampons, pads and liners are widely available at a fair price. For those who can’t afford to buy, we provide donations via Project Everywoman and the 360° Care Fund, funded by a percentage of Veeda sales and profits.

When you buy Veeda tampons, pads and liners, you get comfort and effectiveness that rivals top selling brands; healthy, hypoallergenic cotton to prevent irritation and toxic reactions; and a company that cares. Now that’s something you can feel good about during that time of the month!

Most women have no idea that some of the conventional brands they are using contains synthetic ingredients and chemicals that could be harmful to their body and their health. /”


Veeda send me some product samples that I was excited to try. Not to go into the detail, products worked as great as my usual brand. Only Veeda products are made of 100% natural cotton. I was also pleasantly surprised about the price, it’s very affordable – same price range as the most feminine products.

I think I have found my natural feminine care brand. I love the product performance and I love the brands mission and vision. Keep your eyes open for these guys.

c0s1emnxcaab0bmWhat are your thoughts on the subject? If you haven’t already, would you do the switch?



8 thoughts on “Veeda – Natural Feminine Care Products

  1. Thank you so much for featuring Veeda on your blogs Chantal and Grieta, we appreciate your support as we educate and share awareness on safer and healthier fem-care alternatives!
    Happy Friday!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks so much for the shout out, Grieta!! I love your post. It definitely so refreshing to see a brand who really cares about the well-being of their customers, and main focus is to educate women on safe feminine care. Great post, love your thoughts 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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